Invite LaWanna to Speak

Have you known anyone who is tied up in procrastination, poor choices, excuses, self-pity, the past, denial, clutter, debt, confusion, toxic relationships, fear, conformity, continual pain, anger, mediocrity, or stress?

Most of the above list was me. I didn't understand I couldn't achieve the things in life that I saw other people achieve. It took someone who later became a good friend to tell me I was my biggest problem. Listening to her helped me to turn my life around.

I worked on those things I felt were my biggest problems, and others noticed and remarked on my changes. I took what I learned to share with teenage girls through the North Highlands Parks and Recreation District. Their parents were grateful for the changes and the pride they saw in their daughters. I later worked with young adult women with the same results.

I now work for anyone who feels that same sense of hopelessness and fear.

·                     The Power of You
·                     Releasing the Winner Within You
·                     I am Not a Victim
·                     Freedom is Not Free
·                     Presentation Skills
·                     Personal Development

 To invite LaWanna to your event, please call 916-698-0839 or email