Friday 11.27.15

I am so excited!!! I will be speaking at a speaker’s showcase February 13, 2016 at the Dante Club, 2330 Fair Oaks, CA. You need to be there.


“Your communication is successful when you effectively engage the thoughts and feelings of your listener.” – “The Soul’s Mirror” by Dana LaMon

Listening to others’ communication is one of the areas I am still working on. Sometimes, I forget I need to just listen and not insert my problems.

I have a friend who had a problem she needed to make a decision about. As she was speaking to me, I realized she didn’t want me offering my opinion or advice. She already knew what she needed to do. She just needed some to sound it out on someone so she could get it straight in her head. I asked a few questions, but did not offer advice or suggestions.

At the end of her tirade, she told me what she would do and as far as I know, things have worked out just fine for her.

Sometimes, we just need to listen, rather than jump in with our “I know best what you should do or I know what you mean. I had the same thing happen to me and I…,” attitude. Be a friend who listens and when you are in need of the same thing, others will be there for you.

There are times when the best communication is to just listen, to be there without judgement or preconditions.

Until next time. lw